About us

    About Jobjan Jobs

    Jobjan Employment is a global leader in connecting people and jobs. Every day, Jobjan  Employment aims to make every workplace happier and more productive by transforming the way employers and candidates find the right fit. For 30 years, Jobjan has worked to transform the recruiting industry. Today, the company leverages advanced technology using intelligent digital, social and mobile solutions, including the flagship website www.jobjan.com®, Jobjan Jobs innovative app, and a vast array of products and services.

    Jobjan Jobs is an ever-changing workplace, striving to innovate by bringing employers and candidates together. We are dedicated to improving our clients’ lives as well as our own employees.

    At Jobjan, we're dedicated to making the job search process simple—and stress free. Our job search engine is built with powerful technology that aims to match the right job opportunities with the right people. To find the latest and most relevant job openings, simply browse by job title, company, city or state. Or become a member to get the first alerts on jobs you'll like. Also, make sure to check out the Career Advice section of the site for other job search tools like resume samples and interview tips. So, start searching, and see what we've got. You might just find better.